Prize was awarded to the Prisma Electronics SA at Tourism Awards 2016.

One more award for Prisma Electronics S.A., after the acquisition of the BRONZE prize in “Applications for smartphones and tablets” category in this year’s Greece’s Tourism Awards. The prize was awarded to the Municipality of Heraklion and Prisma Electronics S.A., during the awarding ceremony of Tourism Awards 2016, regarding the innovative project “Digital Tour in Candia of 1640”
The application was implemented within the project “Heraklion a journey into history… at every step: A tour of Venetian Candia (Heraklion)”, designed and developed by Prisma Electronics. The project realized under the Operational Program “Crete & Aegean Islands”, of the Programmatic Period “NSRF 2007-2013”, was co-funded by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund).
The project, based on the technology of XENAGOS Platform, with a combination of three applications that allows the user to compose the fragments of the Heraklion city’s long history. The user can familiarize with the past by searching for information or by the utilization of augmented reality technology.
The users can navigate through city’s sights, monuments, museums, the Venetian Walls, the port, the charming modern city, with rich photo gallery, texts and audio guide. The three-dimensional representation offers a “vivid experience” of the city Regno di Candia, during the age of Venetian ages of Candia, just before it was conquered by the Ottomans in the mid of 16th century.
The award received the Heraklion Vice mayor of Tourism Mr Gian Andrea Paolo Garancini and the CEO of Prisma Electronics Mr Christos Giordamlis. The awarding ceremony of Tourism Awards was held on Wednesday, April 6, 2016, at the Athens Concert Hall and was attended by prominent members of the society and the Greek Tourism Industry.