Successful Cooperation AIRBUS DS – Prisma Electronics

Prisma Electronics SA has successfully completed the first phase of the project Solar Orbiter on account of AIRBUS DS UK. The launch of the Solar Orbiter satellite for the monitoring of various phenomena – solar activity is a collaboration of ESA and NASA while the expectations of breakthroughs are high.
The project involved the harnessing of complex, space-standards cables. The cables were developed in the factory of Prisma Electronics SA in Alexandroupolis, in order to be used in specialized laboratory facilities where several tests-trials of the satellite take place in simulation mode.
The deliverables were classified as “excellent”, after verification of experienced in space technology engineers at the beginning of December 2015 in the facilities of Airbus DS, Stevenage UK.
The successful result of Prisma Electronics SA in this project is a moral fulfilment for the qualified personnel while it confirms the production capabilities of Prisma Electronics SA in a rather demanding project from one of the largest companies of Aerospace.
Prisma Electronics SA - Developing locally, Competing Globally